Environmental Monitoring

With new regulations constantly coming down the pike, are you sure your environmental monitoring program can hold up to inspection?

Azzur Labs has extensive experience in designing, implementing and conducting environmental monitoring programs.

Environmental monitoring programs are designed by Azzur Labs to provide information which demonstrates the engineering controls, sanitization practices, and processes as a whole, provide a “state of control," which means an environment that is consistently capable of maintaining microbial organisms at an acceptable level. The program should be capable of detecting adverse trends in microbial populations in a timely manner.

It should facilitate the identification of the source of the trend such as equipment failure, sanitization practices, personnel habits or training deficiencies so they may be corrected before the environment or ultimately the product is adversely affected.

Our professional environmental monitoring programs start with the protocol. This protocol describes the equipment, sample sites, lab analysis, data collection, statistical analysis, risk assessment and response to exceed concern levels in detail.

Azzur Labs provides several sampling options:
  • Onsite sampling service with a qualified technician
  • A sampling kit that includes calibrated equipment and qualified media for your staff to sample the facility
  • You can utilize your equipment and media and simply send the samples to us for incubation, and reporting.

Having issues with contamination?

We are available for assistance in determining contamination sources and elimination processes. We also provide onsite and/or web based training in proper sampling techniques.